Memories of my Uncle

Created by Toby 2 years ago

I remember those hot summers when we stayed with you in Milton Keynes as kids.I remember being fascinated by the plague of snails one year. I remember the talking car that seemed like something from the future (we saw one last year at a classic car display!). I remember how you loved a gadget and had a digital camera when they were so new you had to put a floppy disc in for storage. I remember those huge family buffets you used to prepare and the best ever potato salad. I remember laughing with you when we all recalled Nanna's warnings not to eat her neighbour, Rene's, cakes and the reason she gave.

I remember you sitting happily in the garden you loved watching your grandchildren and our kids playing on the bouncy castle Craig had bought, letting it all wash over you with a smile.

I remember a kind and gentle uncle who had a wicked sense of humour and yet never had a cruel.word to say about anyone. I remember the infectious smile and glint in those eyes.